Wednesday, December 27, 2023

2023 Year End Review

Happy New Year 2024! 

Song "Bad Habits" by Mangomi, aka Jamie Lin



Jim S said...

Your video crammed an amazing amount of family info into under 3 minutes. The rock climbing and dancing were particularly impressive, as I could never do either anywhere near as well. The Boston Marathon time was also very impressive - 3 hours faster than my own marathon times in 2010. Glad to see you are all doing well and traveling widely.

Yvonne said...

Amazing video! What a wonderful year!
Dawson-Bruinsma fam wishes you an even better 2024!

SpB said...

What a fun year! thanks for sharing....I love the music!

JC said...

Always a nice surprise to get an year-end update from the Lin family. Thanks for sharing and I 'm so glad to see that all of you are doing well. Wish you a healthy, peaceful and happy 2024! 新年快樂!

Patty Biner said...

Thanks for sharing your 2023 adventures, can't wait to see what 2024 bring you and yours.