- It's been raining on and off all weekend, including today. I know the local mountains are getting lots of snow. I would love to take my girls up to the mountains to play in the snow, if I could get away from work. Just wishful thinking I guess. Then again, the girls have school too so they can't get away either.
- I was also excused from Jury Duty today. I was there for 2 days last week, and we all had thought this civil case involving Real Estate was going to last through this Wednesday. It's my first time ever being on a jury. Fortunately, both parties decided to settle this case early and not waste anymore taxpayer dollars. I was glad to be done.
- Christine started coming down with a cold/flu last night. We had heard that another round of flu was going around the school the past 2 weeks. Since Christine volunteers at the elementary school, she is certain to catch it eventually. She took an Advil tablet and went to bed early last night. Today, she said she was feeling ok during the day but started to feel the onset of the typical flu symptoms coming this afternoon. Now, she's back in bed, trying to rest up and recover quickly. As for me, my throat started hurting a little last night and now my nose is running. Oh, oh....
-FORTUNATELY, the girls are all fine :)